What's New? i dunno..lets check out my M1N13 BLOGG13!!!!
--[oct13] '04-- * 7.ooPM *
hey, BRAND NEW SITE !!! hope y'all like it....send me comments on the form below, or sign my guestbook
on my "contact me" page !! thnx !! xoxo
--[june15] '05-- *10.1oPM *
hey everyone, i just made a brand new layout, its not incredible, but i'm working on it :) now i've gotta change
all the font colours and junk..getting rid of tons of pictures and stuff, hope u all like it...!!
--[jan16] '06-- *8.3oPM*
heyy-low felloww homo sapiennss.. r u all as freakked about highh schoolss as mee ?!? i'm auditioninn for cawthra...as
u would have already seen on my space if u actuallyy care enough and have enoughh time to actually lookk at these thingss....
yeaa i'm auditionin for cawthra for drama, and i only knoo hashmita thts goinn...NO1 ELSE!! =( ohh well if we
both make it tht'd be awesumm =D if i dunt make it into cawthra, i guess i'm goin to woodlands.. humm dee dumm.
lemme knoo if ne1 elsee is goin to cawthraa.... really hope soo =]
XoXoXoX <3<3