
My BeSt BuDz =] <3<3
About MOI !!! =D
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Jokes and Fun StuffzzzZ

===>>Welcome to the Ultimate cure for boredom!!! Contact me HERE LOVE YOUU!!! <3 144 <3<<===

* To the world, you may just be one person, but to one person, you may be the world. *
     -Mahatmas Ghandhi <3<3<3

Billie Joe Armstrong

<<<<* -[ Heyy les peoplesss !!! =D WHOAA so cool !! ]- *>>>>

* WeLcOmE tO a NeW kInD oF tEnSiOn
aLL aCrOsS tHe aLiEnNaTiOn
WhErE eVeRyThInG iSn'T mEaNt To Be OkAy!!
TeLeViSiOn DrEaMs Of ToMoRrOw
We'Re NoT tHe OnEs MeAnT tO FoLLoW
fOr ThAt'S eNoUgH tO aRgUe! *

HEYY!!! howza goinn fellow dudez and dudettez ?!?!? look aroundd a bitt ... then lemme knoo what u thinkk of it on the CoNtAcT mE pagee!!

ShOuToUtZ tO:

*PaulW<3~I LOVE U

*EdithP~ *JennS~

*CrystalC~ *HashmitaA~


*GloriaM~ *AliyahM~

*AnantaM~ *VarunP~

*DanielleB~ *LianeC~

*BeckyH~ *ChrisD~

*LaurenS~ *PrekshaK~

*RobbieB~ *DanielleW~

*JassiP~ *VarshaM~

*ElaineC~ *ChelseaA~

*VincentL~ *MatthewE~

*RahulD~ *JohnP~

*ZahraE~ *JenniferL~

*NourA~ *LilyT~

*Laura~ *JodieD~

*NicoleP~ *NoviaB~

*AzkiahM~ *ShafiqahM~

*LindaN~ *KimN~


*RiaM~ *StefiM~

*MikeL~ *AdamL~

*DaleS~ *EricaS~



*NickS~ ( pickle-head)


x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 **

if i forgott u lemme knoo...but let's just keep the physical violence to minimum, alrite? we gotta deal? ok...whoaa...why u lookin at me like thtt..?!? =0 OK OK BAK OFF!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! STOPP IT!!! OWWW!!! OW OW STOP IT!!! OH COME ON NOT THE SHIN!!! OHH JEEZ OK OK I'LL PUT UR NAME ON MY SHOUTOUT LIST !!!! *SIGH!!!!* THANK YOU!! .... * gentle pat on head * .... * RUN AWAY *

What's New? i dunno..lets check out my M1N13 BLOGG13!!!!
--[oct13] '04-- * 7.ooPM *
hey,  BRAND NEW SITE !!! hope y'all like it....send me comments on the form below, or sign my guestbook on my "contact me" page !!  thnx !! xoxo
--[june15] '05-- *10.1oPM *
hey everyone, i just made a brand new layout, its not incredible, but i'm working on it :) now i've gotta change all the font colours and junk..getting rid of tons of pictures and stuff, hope u all like it...!!
--[jan16] '06-- *8.3oPM*
heyy-low felloww homo sapiennss.. r u all as freakked about highh schoolss as mee ?!? i'm auditioninn for cawthra...as u would have already seen on my space if u actuallyy care enough and have enoughh time to actually lookk at these thingss.... ANYWHOOO !!
yeaa i'm auditionin for cawthra for drama, and i only knoo hashmita thts goinn...NO1 ELSE!! =( ohh well if we both make it tht'd be awesumm =D if i dunt make it into cawthra, i guess i'm goin to woodlands.. humm dee dumm.
lemme knoo if ne1 elsee is goin to cawthraa.... really hope soo =]
XoXoXoX <3<3

XOXO to my parents, ROCKY my fwends, and thanks a lot to mr. jordan for being a great teacher.....in the words of JoRdAn ThE wIsE.....never EVER eat cheese or hotdogs that aren't 100% MEAT!!!


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Please get in touch with me if you have any comments about my site.
*~* ThAnKz !!! *~*

