
My BeSt BuDz =] <3<3
My BeSt BuDz =] <3<3
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recentlyy i just realized how many awesumly amazing frends i have !! DAMMIT, PEOPLE !!! =P and even tho they've been so cool to me, i've like, never done anything to really * help out * a friend. so, this is my lame attempt at sayin thanks to all u people that have changedd my life.. =]
* cough * cough *
i love youu peoplesS !!! <3<3<3

Paul --
Hashmita --
Edith --
** PauL.WilsoN *~
paul (aka. Mr.SmOOoOoOooOoOooth =P ) ur so sweet and caring =P u can always cheer me up =] lots of fun memories with french group n goin to the mall n stuff =D  i love u <3<3<3  x] lotsa fun timess =P  ur always so outgoin n u always make up for my extreme boring-ness. i love your personality...you're not afraid of anything, dude !!! i wish i could say the same. lastly... the colour of ur eyezz rawX  xP hahaa,  love youu (L)(L)
pS. sorryy about the locker thing...you know, your head...kinda, well, got in the way =]  SORRY ABOUT THATT !!! <3<3<3<3<3<3
AWARD: best .bf. everr xP <3<3
* AshleY.ChiN *~
ASHLEY BO BASHLEY !!! ok everyone, listen up!! ashley is the BEST friend a person could ask for =D  you're always so caring, and such a good listener =)  if i'm in a bad mood, i go to ashley and talk to her for a bit and i feel soooo much better =P yourr always therr to listenn and give expertly therapist-y advice for everythingg =]   loll ur lots of fun to be aroundd with projectss n stuff ... haha  * pizza dough face *  lots of hilariouss memoriess =D and hopefully more to cum in the rest of gr.8 =P  such a contagious laugh xD
in the words of ASHLEY THE GREAT.... * weeeooo !!! * hehee =P
i love you ashleyy bo bashley =D
AWARD: for always being there, and being the most amazingly cool friend ever =P
* EditH.TanubratA *~
EDITH !!!!!!! =D aka. * eddy green the edible egg plant eating donkey in the shape of a box covered in green green sea turtle fat * heyy did i get all of it ??? ahhh, the memories from grade 6 =]  the first time i talked to edith went like this:
edith: hey anna, i heard that zack and cosmin are planning to tickle you.
anna: thank you edith. =] ( and i said it in such a corny way, putting an emphasis on EDITH cuz i loved sayingg it...it's so fun xP )
edithh your personalityy is soo funn and ur so KEWLIO to hang out withh =P  n listen up, buddy, you better go to college for therapy or .. people-helping or somethingg..!! so one day u can be the famous therapist that makes millions and i'll be sum psycho-path druggie hobo that'll come to u for advice and then we can sit there and laugh about all our old fun memories =] <3<3
everytime i hear graduation by vitaminC i freak out at the part whr it says "when we look back now will our jokes still be funny?" it almost makes me cryy cuz i am just so scared about graduation this yearr !!! i can't even begin to imagine leaving you, or anyone for that matter !!!! that's the line that gives me a huge slap in the face of reality about this whole graduation thing.. and that slap leaves a jai-NOR-mous red mark on my face.. in the shape of a hand =PGAWD i can't leave you edith !!! ='(  * SOBB *
AWARD: best sense of humour!! =D and best potential to be a therapist
* HashmitA.AlimanchandI *~
omgg i'm sooo sorry if i spelled that wrong !!! =S
hashmita... you have an AWESUM taste in music, mann !!!! not just the folk-and-classic-rock thing we have in common ( hahhaa=P ) but every song u've told me to listen to has been amazing =D  ur alwayss so spunkyy and hyperr xD  LMAOO and to thinkk in grade 6 we talked on msn but were both too shyy to talk in person !! HAHAH well you're such an awesum person, and great at guitarr !! =D  u've got a great sense of humourr.... u always have something funny to sayy hahahaa 
* UniTeD HoBoZ rAwK!!!! * hahahha halloween memoriess =D
AWARD: awesum-est personalityy, and best jokes in the world, but you don't even notice itt...it just kinda comes naturally to you.
unlike me... whr i gotta think and think and thinkk to get one really LAME joke ahhaha xD
love you hashmita =] <3<3<3  ( aka. hashbrownn .. i believe that was ur nickname last yr  =P ) NEVER CHANGE, DUDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
* i got soul but i'm not a soldier, i got soul but i'm not a soldier, i got soul but i'm not a soldier, i got soul but i'm not a soldier *
SonG.DedicatioN to my little hashmitaa: Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd =)
* JennifeR.ShadofF *~
ahh well i don't think i even need to bother sayin this but hey, this stuff has all been corny so far, so what the heck =] JENN IS THE BEST SMILER / LAUGHER EVERR !!!!!!!!! yeaa, that reallyy goes without sayingg =D  forget rahul... u got the best smile =) so bright and happy ( no i'm sorry, i didn't mean that rahul. lol i'm just sayin i love jenn's smile )
thr have been many moments wen someone says something that i really dont find funny, but jenn will start laughing and then i'll just start laughing uncontrollablyy until we're all just a big bunch of insane laugh-ers gettin ridiculouslyy high all cuz of a police siren xD !!!
jenn ur hilariouss !! not just ur laugh... hahah but u always hv sum really random ( but entertaining ) thing to sayy. and i need a good pick-me-up like those things once in a while =D
AWARD: best contagious smile!! keep those random statements coming, jenny poop!!
LOVE YOUU <3<3   =)
 (more than brandon...hahah xP )
* CrystaL.ChaN *~
cryssyy =]  *mr. christie, you make goooood cookiess !! *  =]  YOU DITCHERRR !!!!! * sob *  i hardly get to see u anymoree since u went to allan a.... how could u leave us here at fallingbrook ?!?! we gotta plan more of the movie-mall things.
GOOD ON YA, CRYSTALL!!! u got urself a BOIFWEND !! i'm so proudd.. * wipes tear * and he's so sweet !!  he asked how i was one time wen i had sum * sad faces * and * heartbreaks * and * wilting flowerss * in my namee... n i neverr reallyy talked to him before.. it went kinda like this:
mike: hey are you ok?
anna: yeah, i'm fine, whyy ?
mike: ur sn ^ ^ ^
anna: oh, yea its nothing, thanks for askin anyway tho =)
mike: np, just lookin out for my buddies =P
awww how sweet is he ?!? xP  u luckyy little bumm !!
AWARD: best evil act... even though we all know ur a really sweet person at heart =] and best sarcastic-ness xP
love u cryssy =)
* AnantA.ModgiL *~
wen i think of u, i think of the word CHARACTER =P u have the best character i've ever seen !! you're naturally so random and funny xP and ur so much fun to be around with projects n stuff...
speakin of tht... WE ACTUALLY SURVIVED THE STANDARD OF LIVING !!!!  WOOO HOOOO !!!!!! ohh man so many hardd-working memoriess...at ur house till like 11.oo... ahhh i felt so badd !! i was like, intruding your house !!!
keep up the random jokes and ur abilityy to always make me laugh, no matter how much of a bad mood i'm in =P
AWARD: for being you =) and being the most funn character everr =P
* LOVE ANDREW HOTTE * LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! ( edith =] )
pS. song dedication to ananta: Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus xD ahahahahaha
* GloriA.MoK *~
ahhhh gloria.. =) so many twelfth night / tempest memoriess !!!
HAHAH our rap with courtneyy !!:
* porky the pig, ate a fig, then blew up, and said whatsup ?!?
somebody slapped him really hard, then he said YOU RETARD !!
whos ur mama ?! whos ur mama ?! who's ur mama ?!? YO MAMA
whos ur mama ?! whos ur mama ?! who's ur mama ?!? YO MAMA YOOOO.....
you think you're all that but you're really fat,
you think think your so smart but your breath smells like fart!!
you like you're really handsome but ur dumber than dumb
* pksh, pksh, PKSH * dumber than dumb!! * pksh, pksh, PKSH * dumber than dumb!! YOOOOOOOOOOOo........
who's ur papa?! who's ur papa ?! whos ur papa YO PAPA !!
who's ur papa?! who's ur papa ?! whos ur papa YO PAPA !! YOOOOO....... *
can't remember the restt loll 
ur a great actor, u should have tried out for cawthra!!!! u woulda made it for sure !! n ur group projects are always great =)
AWARD: best at making up random raps xP
lots of fun memories to come with stage crew and macbeth !!! =D  can't wait ... hahaha =D
pS. GAGA ROXez MY SOXez !! xP
* AliyaH.MohameD *~
awww aliyah my little artastic buddy !!  =] ur so.... ARTISTIC !! and creative !!
lolzz i love ur personality, just typin about u makes me laugh and think of all the funny thingss u sayy =P
you are going to be leader of the *bring-down-george-bush* party, and you're going to win the election !! and become the best prime minister canada has ever seen !!! i love the debating skillz...hahah u were like our class rep last year in mr.J's class...always arguing until we got an extension =D THAT RAWKZZ !! =D
i can't wait to see ur grafitti wen its done..omg graffiti !! i gotta work on tht !! thnx for remindinn me... i think.... ?? =]
u kno in grade 6, before i met you, cosmin ( loll ) told me i had the same laugh as you =] and i'm like "whos aliyah??" but now that i think back to that i don't think we have the same laugh !! LOL ur laugh is so happy and like.. * full of life * hahahaha =D
AWARD: best group worker and most creative ideas..and..best laugh =)
       ( and yes, thats different from jenn's award for *best laughER* ) =D
<3<3 =D aliyah u rawkk !!!  so many laughsss XD
* VaruN.PookakA =] *~ ( Pulapaka?? )
VARUNIEE BO BUNIEE !!!!  oh-mi-gawdd kid, you have sum kinda freak-ish natural ability to be on stage and make people laugh. wow i'm already thinking of what award to give you. i don't think there are words to describe  how naturally funny u are.. =D
in everyone else's little paragraph ma-bobber i have sum kinda inside joke or sum funny memory, but if i tried typin sum of our memories i'd be here like all day, and my site couldn't handle that much text xP
soooo, varuuuuunn, who do YOU like ??!?  you know who anyone else likes ? omg its the same question everydayy, and its always the same answer... "no, i'm not into all that gossip stuff.."  haha never gets old, though, mr. bo buniee
hey i just noticed " VARUN BO BUNE " sounds like varun baboon =] but i call u varuniee bo buniee soooo.... yepp..
glad ur on stage crew now, its gonna be funn =D hahaha
cyahh laterr varunniee, oh yes, and for the award...
AWARD: person tht makes ppl laugh the easiest...wait does that make sense ?? ahh well u get the idea. =D 
keep it up monsieurr  * thumbs up *
* RobbiE.BodaniS *~
aka. Robert-oh =D  heyy robbie, lol lotsaa funny memoriess with grade 7, hvnt talked to u as much this yearr =\
* JAGAR RAWKZZ !!!!!!!!! *
LOL u make a good jagar man xP
* -[ John.Aliyah.Gloria.Anna.Robbie ]- *
lol ur so much funn to be around, andd yourr laughh is awesum xP
hahahha so manyy memoriess...  * SaKeR.hAvEn * LOL we did like the whole project on online translatorss xD
AWARD: most fun to be around, and best group partnerr xP
* ChriS.D'souzA *~
aKa. Jimi Hendrix at fourteen =]
aKa2.  MoNsIeUr PaRaNoIa =D
wow dude, you're like freakin incredible at guitarr 8|  wen i watch u play i'm like thinkinn " dammit !! i freakinn suckk !! " =P 
can't waitt for talent show audition !! i thinkk we're goin to make it =D  * crosses fingers *
you're such a good friend, i can tell you anythingg....well i'll tell you and then u'll usually laugh at me but heyy =D  i like makin pplz laugh xP
u and ur paranoia.... =D one time u called me and i saw ur name, so answered the phone yelling BOOO!!!! and u didn't reply so i figured u fainted !!!!!! xD hahahah  ur so much fun to tap on the shoulder and run away, and also to punchh =D
AWARD: most paranoid, and best FOURTEEN YEAR OLD guitar playerr in the world =D
RAWK ONN CHRIS !!!!!!!! \../,   <== haha my lame attempt at a rawk on signn xD
song dedication to chrisTOPHER: purple haze - jimi hendrix =]
LaYtErrrrrr !!!!!!!
* PrekshA.KashyaP *~
u never cease to amaze me with your drawings and sensitivity =D
ur so gentle and caring and always so HAPPYHAPPYHAPPEEEEE xD
hehee ur alwayss pinchinn my cheekzz x]
( thats pronounced BAY-SS, not BAH-SS, like the fish -.-' )
ur always so fun to be around, and one dayy ur gonna be an awesumly cool cheek-pinching artist that says inspirational things about life and the world and peace and equality.... =]
and wow, lmaoo, let me sayy that yourr personall debate with jassi last year was VERYY entertaining xD  rememberr tht ?? during the 13 colonies debate how it was you on one side, and jassi on the other and u 2 just were goin at it like crazee xP  everyone was just watchin as the debate commenced between only u guys =D  that was very entertaining, and amusingg =D
AWARD: most likely to make millions and billions from her artwork, and most likely to change the world because of her gentleness and debating skills =]
<3<3 u rawkk prekshaa =D keep the bass alive !!! xD
* BakhtawaR.HarooN *~
My bus buddy =]
beckyy, every day u alwayss have a new storyy to tell me aboutt ur life - its a great way to start my dayy  ( hey tht rhymes !! )
but then SOMETHING HORRIBLE HAPPENED !!!!!!!!!!!! * sobb *  I MOVED !!!! now i'm not on ur bus !!!!  * WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *
i still get to see u at school n stuff, but not as much as wen i was on the buss =(
ur alwayss thrr to listen to my problemss ( and i have manyy, which proves what a good frend u are =D )
wenever i feel lonely, i can always turn to youu =)
i can't imagine u leavinn us to go back to pakistan !!! TRAITOR !!! BACKSTABBER !!! TURN COAT!!!  * sobb *  naww, i'm just kiddin, but i'm gonna miss u sooooo much !!!!!!!! <3<3
AWARD: best buss buddyy everr x)
A.H.S.A.N. rite ?? =P

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