-[ WOODSTOCK x3 x3 x3** ]- |
*AgE: j'ai treize ans !! ( le thirteen )
*ApPeArAnCe: red-brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'5"...i also have green skin and three eyeballss...oh okayy
good you are paying attention =]
*HoBbIeS: sleeping. eating. yawning. blinking. yawning. bugging YOU...
*StAtuS: hyper =D
*LiEkZ: guitar, music ( mite as well list the genres, cuz if we're talkin favourite ARTISTSS we
could be here all day soo here we goo ==> RAWK MUSIKK, classic rock, folk-rock, folk musicc =D, SOME country,
SOME pop, soft rock, VERT LITTLE BIT hip-hop etc. ), cross country running, hockey, painting, dooOOooOOoodling, scrapbooking,
pictures, making homemade videos...and editing them xD goinn out with frends n takin * photo boof * pixx
x3 x3 x3 **
my *trademark songs* are MINE AND MINE COPYRIGHT!!! (ask me what that means)... the first 2 are from finding nemo...my
ALL TIME fav movie!!
~ * we did it, we did it, oh yeah, yeah, yeah! no eatin here tonite, WHOO!!! no eating here tonite, no, no, no eating
here tonite cuz you on a DIET!!!* -Dory the Great
~ * My name is Dory, and this is my story, I'm from the reef and I don't eat PORK!!! * -Dory the Great (the real
words are "and i don't eat BEEF!!!" but i changed it to pork.....inspired by ms. IHOND, and partly cuz i just wanted to increase
my weirdness statusness....ness....nesss.......=D)
~* A fart is a chemical substance, that comes from a place called bum,
it penetrates through the trousers, and lands with a musical hum [hum!]
A fart, a fart is no disgrace for it gives the body ease,
It warms the covers on cold winter nights and suffocates the fleas! * -Dayna xoxo
(had to find a funky way to say
What a DAY!!
i'm still a student...but when i graduate i'm gonna PARTEE !!!!! ....then
realize my life isn't half over yet -.-' or maybe... no that's pretty much it.
▫Squirt x3
x3 ( from Finding Nemo )
▫the Travelocity
Gnome =]
▫GreeNNN...the colour ▫GuitaRRR ▫writing music...guitar riffz...not lyrics....
▫green day ( funny story...i was
talking to a friend on msn whose name i won't mention....and it was probably last year before the american idiot cd came
out and my msn nickname was "GREEN DAY" and this friend said "when's green day?" as in it was an earth day or something lol...=P
▫the PofUSA
(The Presidents of the United States of America) (yes that is a band) ▫differentt
kindsaa musicc
▫ROCK...mostly old rock!!! rock n roll
from the 70s, 80s is HAWTT!! xD
▫Camp Olympia !!!
▫Towshtz..that means kool people =]
▫The Sims 2 UnIvErSiTy
ExPaNsIoN pAcK =D WHOOO !!!
▫daisies =] x3 x3 x3
▫critiscizing movies,
cds and mostly artists * evil side begins to show * > =]
▫school play =D (2004 it was The Twelfth Night, 2005 it was The Tempest, and this year its MacBeth...)
▫birthday parties
▫my dog rocky x3 x3
▫shopping for school
▫finishing a project...the best feeling in the world!!! =D ( ananta... standard of living...hahaha )
▫iPod mini =)
▫people who have a journal...you just don't see that very often anymore...well actually i've never seen it...
but it's still kool =D
▫backyard swimming
.. ahhh wish i had one..
▫handcrafted jewellery sales.. hehee funn wayy to make sum ca$h =D
▫minute made orange juice in a CAN!!!! ( there is a difference between can and carton or bottle )
▫the toronto zoo...=]
movies: Rat Race, School of Rock, Finding Nemo, The Prince and Me, Anacondas, Elf, The Day After Tomorrow,
White Chicks ( xP )
Tv. shows: Amazing Race, Survivour, Fear Factor , BACHELOR LOLL !!
things to do: playing guitar, listening to my iPod, reading books, writing, buildin my *
ABS OF STEEEL * ( lmaoo varunn ), goinn out mall-in or movie-ingg with frendss, le jeweleryy... ahh i have soo muchh
subjects in school: science, french, language, art, music, gym
songs: Don McLean "American Pie", Sum41 "Pieces", Green
Day "American Idiot", Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Billy Talent "Nothing to Lose",
Kelly Clarkson "I Hate Myself For Losing You", The Offspring "Self-esteem", Liz Phair "Why Can't
I?" Green Day "Wake Me Up When September Ends", Sum41 "Some Say", Simple Plan
"Everytime", Theory of a Deadman "Santa Monica", John Lennon "Imagine", Lynyrd Skynyrd "Sweet
Home Alabama", Melissa O'Neil "Alive", Michelle Branch "Goodbye", James Taylor
"Fire and Rain", James Blunt "So Long Jimmy", The Beatles "For No One", James Taylor
"Brown-Eyed Girl", The Beatles "A Day In The Life", Incbubus "Wish You Were Here", Hedley
"Trip", Gob "Give Up The Grudge", Fall Out Boy "Sugar We're Going Down", The Clash "London
Calling", Charlie Dore "Pilot of The Airwaves", The Presidents Of The United States of America
"Video Killed The Radio Star", Bowling For Soup "1985", Bob Dylan "Like a Rolling Stone", Blind Melon "No Rain", Bedouin Soundclash "When The Night Feels My Song", Lynyrd
Skynyrd "That Smell", All-American Rejects ", All-American Rejects "Paper Heart", All-American Rejects "Change Your Mind", AC/DC "It's A Long Way To The Top", AC/DC
"Highway To Hell", Barenaked Ladies "Brian Wilson", The Beach Boys "Wouldn't It Be Nice", The Doors "People Are Strange", The Forgotten Rebelz "You're A Rebel Too", Kid Rock
"Bawitaba", The Guess Who "American Woman", The Guess Who "Secret Agent Man"
▫When in a hwk question, then u answer
it, and the next question requires the same answer..i know it seems random but its so tru!! i bet you've all thought that
▫project partners that don't pull their weight...
▫the colors orange and yellow..i dunno
dont ask me why
▫flat pop
▫sweating :(
▫when you first
wake up in the morning and you try to clench your fists but it just doesn't work...
▫learning to dive at age 13...=P
▫stomach flu
▫george *DUBBLE-YUH*
▫greasy french fries...that's just so gross
▫scary movies at
night...gives me nightmares
▫kicking people in the stomach *AHEM* *HINT*HINT*!!!!! its RUDE!!!
▫when someone deliberately
embarrases you